Lesson 1: Self

1.  Self  

Ice  Breaker:  Free Play – all contents of the Ketiko Kit (any size group) ~20 minutes Use this time as volunteers to observe your girls. Who tends to play together? How evident are the caste divisions? What objects from the kit appear to be most popular? How do the girls use these objects? What games are most popular? Engage the girls and get to know them; establish trust. Allow the girls to get to know you in return. Also allow the girls to get to know the Ketiko Kit and all its contents so they feel comfortable working with it and you. This will be one of the longer ‘Ice Breakers’ to allow for all/most of the above questions to be answered. The recommended time is about 20 minutes; use your judgment to determine if the play should last alternative amount of time.

Exercise  1:  Body Mapping – regular and construction paper, scissors, tape, glue, glitter, markers, pens; playdoh (any size group) ~20 minutes

Prompt the girls to draw an outline of their body. Then on the outlined body, draw emotions to each limb or section of the body. Also encourage them to add objects around the body to help tell their story. You may also encourage the girls to tape paper together to make a larger surface to draw on to facilitate additional creativity. When the exercise is over, have the girls share, the playdoh can just be out for roaming hands and for the girls to use if any conversation becomes uncomfortable, for it may be easier to share or listen if they have something to busy their hands and avoid eye contact. When complete, have the girls place them to the side to be put in the journals later in the meeting.     

Exercise  2:  Johari Window – white board, markers; construction paper, markers/pens (any size group) ~20 minutes

Screen shot 2015-03-10 at 4.01.28 PMUse the whiteboards to draw the Window (complete with labels) represented in the image. Explain each quadrant of diagram. The Arena Box is the area where the girls will put adjectives/ phrases that is known by herself and others. The Blind Spot Box is where adjectives/ phrases that others would use to describe the girl, but she would not use to describe herself. The Façade Box is where the girl will list the adjectives/phrases that she knows about herself, but others do not know. The Unknown Box is adjectives/phrases unknown both to the girl and others. As a group, brainstorm and list on the whiteboard potential adjectives/phrases for the girls to use. Have the girls shout their ideas out as they come to them. You may also add adjectives/phrases to the board. Keep them focused only on positive descriptors. Next, have the girls choose paper and a writing utensil and replicate the Window (and labels), and have them list their name at the top of their page. Sitting in a circle facing each other, have the girls take some quite time and jot down the adjectives/phrases that they use to identify their public persona in the Arena Box. Encourage them to also use any adjectives/phrases not on the whiteboard. Next, have each girl hand her Window to the girl to her right. With another girl’s Window, have the girls write in the Blind Spot Box an adjective or phrase that describes the girl to which the Window belongs, but is also not already listed in the Arena Box of that Window. If the girl agrees with any adjectives/phrases listed in the Arena Box of the girl to whom the Window belongs, have them place a check next to that adjective/phrase. Continue this cycle until the Windows are returned to its owner. Next have the girls spin around so they are still in a circle formation but facing away from each other. Have the girls reflect on their non-public persona and have them write adjectives/phrases that describe the side of them that only they know and their peers and community members have not seen. Finally, have the girls write adjectives/phrases of who they hope to become in the Unknown Box. When they have completed this, have the girls set their Window aside to place in their journals after the Discussion. Throughout the rest of the club, the girls will have a chance to edit and/or add to their Windows at every journaling session of each lesson.

Reflection:   Discussion  Topic  Suggestions:  Why do we see ourselves the way we do? What influences us and our perceptions? Are there ways we can change these perceptions? Did you like the body mapping exercise? Why or why not?   Journal  Prompt  Suggestions:  First have each girl select a journal and a pen. Have them write their name legibly on the journal. Inform them that they will be able to write/draw their thoughts in their journal throughout the entirety of the club. They are also guaranteed privacy. They do not have to share their thoughts during discussion if they do not feel comfortable nor will the volunteers read the thoughts in the journals unless invited. The journals will be kept in the Ketiko Kit until the last lesson (#20. Farewell) where they will be passed out one last time for the girls to take home and encouraged to keep using after the close of the program. What is something new you learned? How do you feel about it? Why do you think you feel this way? What do you hope to gain from your experiences in the Keti Club?


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