Lesson 19: Voice

19.  Voice  

  Ice  Breaker:  Charades – paper, scissors, and markers/pens (any size group) ~15 minutes

Pass out strips of paper that you cut to the girls, about a slip or two per girls. Have them write down things in their environment (e.g. people, animals, etc.). Have them fold the strips, and then collect the newly folded strips. Ask for an ‘actress’ to volunteer. The ‘actress’ will select a folded strip of paper and then act out whatever the folded strip described without using any sounds, words, written aid, or pointing to the object. The rest of the girls will try to guess what was written on the folded strip using only the ‘actors’ gestures as clues. Once the word is guessed, celebrate, and ask for another ‘actress’ to volunteer.

  Exercise  1: Message Making – playdoh, activity ball; regular and construction paper, white boards, scissors, tape, glue, glitter, markers, pens (any size group) ~40 minutes   

Gather for a circle discussion and place the playdoh and activity ball in accessible places in the middle of the circle. Reflecting on their experiences in the Keti Club, their live, and their community, is there a message they would like to pass to others? The girls can create individual messages, team up and create group messages, or plan as a Keti Club a single message. Then pass out the crafting supplies for the girls to create their message and prepare for the next Exercise of taking their pictures.     

Exercise  2:  Picture Taking– digital camera (any size group) ~5 minutes   As the girls complete preparing their message, ready the digital camera. Take pictures of their crafting. Take pictures of all the messages, whether that be an individual message from one girl, a message from a group of girls, or the whole Keti Club. *Before the next meeting, you will print copies of the pictures to then bring to the last meeting to give back to the girls. You will also post these pictures to the website, if the girls are comfortable with you sharing their message through that medium.

Reflection:   Discussion  Topic  Suggestions:  How did the Ice Breaker relate to the Exercise? What inspired you to create and share your message? How do you feel knowing it will be spread and others will hear your message? Are there any other messages you wish you could share? What does it mean to have a ‘voice’?   Journal  Prompt  Suggestions:  You can use some of the same discussion topics, (What inspired you to create and share your message? How do you feel knowing it will be spread and others will hear your message? Are there any other messages you wish you could share? What does it mean to have a ‘voice’?) or use some of these: Who is someone you wish you could share your message with? What is a way that your message could reach them? Are there any other messages you wish you could share?


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